Plugsurfing- Ionity endet zum 31.01.24

Grad Email bekommen von Plugsurfing:

Dear Polestar driver,

To ensure you have access to competitive charging rates in Europe, we have been offering discounted charging at IONITY locations. This offer is coming to an end on the 31st of January.

We want to continue offering exclusive charging benefits to new and existing Polestar drivers. A new charging offer will be announced soon. Stay tuned and hold on to your charging card!

If you ordered your Polestar car before 31st January 2023, you are entitled to your 12 months of €0.35 / kWh IONITY offer, starting from when your car was delivered.

We look forward to your continued charging with us in 2024,

Your Polestar team

Da bist du zu spät dran. Siehe hier ;).

Trotzdem danke.

Ah okay, hab ich nicht gesehen, Danke

Dann kann meiner gelöscht werden :man_shrugging: :+1: